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New Short Stories

As I compiled my first short story collection this winter, thanks to a grant from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, I was pleased to have a couple of new stories published in print and online.

“Welcome to the Margins” — about an aging librarian obsessed with marginalia — was published in The Humber Literary Review, my first time in its pages. (The full issue is available to read free online for a limited time — so check out my story and all the other great pieces in HLR Volume 11, Issue 2.)

“Social Animals” — about a bully brother who discovers how his family really feels about him — was published in DarkWinter Literary Magazine, a newish online magazine that offers prose and poetry with a dark twist. It’s always available to read free, so check out my story and get lost in all the twisty pieces published this year.

I wrote short fiction for adults in my youth and published about a dozen stories in literary journals in the 1990s. (The New Quarterly, one of the few greats that survived the decades since, was actually new back then!)

After I had children and read a thousand great kids’ books, I started writing for young people. And I still do. I treasure the time I spend in schools and libraries teaching creative writing to young people — because my own kids are long grown and I need the inspiration of energetic modern youth.

But I also write for adults these days. Ten years ago, I wrote a story for Tesseracts Seventeen: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast, and I’ve written a couple of stories a year since then. I’ve published about half of them in literary journals.

This fall and winter, I compiled 18 of my recent stories into my first collection, “Alone in the World,” which I’m now sending out into the world, submitting the manuscript to a few of my favourite Canadian publishers. Fingers crossed that it finds a good home.

In the meantime, I’ll keep submitting individual pieces to literary journals.

If you also write short fiction, check out my Canadian LitMag List and submit something today.

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